• We specialize in providing personalized nutrition plans tailored for expatriates in Barcelona. Our services range from online meal plans and in-person consultations to personal food shopper services. Each service is designed to help you navigate the culinary landscape of Barcelona while prioritizing your health.

  • Welcome to Barcelona! We understand the challenges of adjusting to a new culinary environment. Our expert nutritionists will guide you through local food markets, help you understand Spanish food labels, and craft a meal plan that integrates local foods with your dietary preferences and health goals.

  • Our online consultations are conducted via video calls. During the 1-hour session, our nutrition experts will discuss your dietary preferences, health goals, and any specific challenges you face. Following the consultation, you'll receive a customized meal plan tailored to your needs.

  • The in-person consultation includes a detailed 1-2 hours interview and diagnosis session, body composition analysis, goal setting, nutritional education, and a personalized meal plan with weekly menu recipes. You'll also receive ongoing support for 4 weeks and expert advice on healthy dining options in Barcelona.

  • Absolutely! We pride ourselves on crafting meal plans that cater to individual needs. Whether you have dietary restrictions, allergies, or specific health goals, our plans are tailored to ensure they align with your requirements.